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Which Are The Best Travel Constipation Drink?

When traveling, it is prevalent to feel constipated due to the atmosphere and the external environment. This is the situation when you are unable to relax by bowling. Travel constipation commonly occurs when you have long flights and sit continuously for consecutive hours. As a result that your diet and digestion, as well as your sleep, are, being interrupted. You may need drinks or electrolyte replacement to cure the problem when you start constipation. In this article, we will discuss the best drinks that can fix the related issues of travel constipation. To know more, continue reading it.

What are the symptoms of constipation?

  • If you are having less than three times a week for bowel movements
  • Difficult, dry, or lumpy stools
  • Stools that are challenging or uncomfortable to pass
  • An impression that some stool is still present
  • When you feel bloated and nauseous very often.

What are the causes of constipation?

The significant causes of constipation are:
  • Consuming less fiber
  • This can also be due to dehydration
  • When you are not doing any abdominal exercise
  • If you have the stress
  • When there is a change in the routine.
  • This can also be due to the side effects of the medicines.

Which are the best drinks that can be consumed during constipation?

Here are some of the drinks mentioned that can be consumed during constipation.
  • Water:

Drinking plenty of water is one of the best ways to relieve constipation. If you cannot consume water, you can add powdered drink mix or some flavor to make the taste much better, which can be consumed more frequently. It helps to soften the stool and make it easier to pass. It is essential to drink eight glasses of water each day.
  • Prune Juice:

This is a natural laxative that is considered to be the best agent in relieving constipation. This mainly contains a type of sugar known as sorbitol, which helps draw water into the intestines and soften the stool.
  • Apple Juice:

This is another natural laxative agent that can help relieve constipation. This usually contains a kind of sugar popularly known as fructose; this is beneficial in softening the stool so it can pass easily.
  • Hot Tea:

You often hear that when you take hot drinks, there are possibilities that this helps to bring back the stoll. And for this reason, you should intake hot tea can, which can be beneficial in the easy digestion of food.
  • Yogurt:

This is a good source of probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that can help to improve digestion.
  • Coffee:

Coffee is a natural stimulant that can help to stimulate the digestive system and relieve constipation.

Summing it up

We hope you liked the article and now understand what you need to consume during constipation. Also, remember that travel constipation is prevalent in the present scenario; this major depends on the diet and the irregular eating pattern. If not, this can also be due to changes in the atmosphere and water that result in constipation.

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Why Does the Body Get Dehydrated?
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How To Notice Whether You Have Dehydration Or Not?
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How To Notice Whether You Have Dehydration Or Not?

When you are working or facing the scorching sun in the hottest season, that is summer. It is essential to keep the body and skin hydrated when the temperature rises. When the body feels dehydrated, you might feel cramps, exhaustion, and even heart stroke which can be the fatal result of it as these are the dehydration symptoms.

In order to prevent dehydration over the summer, it's critical to replenish the water lost through perspiration, respiration, and urination. Drinks and meals with a high water content are often consumed to compensate for lost liquid. Dehydration, though, can occur if you lose too much water or don't consume enough food and liquids, and it can also be severe depending on how much fluid you lose. Continue reading the article to learn more about the causes and symptoms of dehydration.

What are the leading causes of dehydration?

Dehydration is majorly caused by not consuming liquids or just regular water. These fluids can be lost due to many reasons. Let us discuss it in detail.
  • We lose water through shedding tears, sweat, vomiting, diarrhea, or frequent urination. Sometimes this might also depend on the climate or performing hard and multiple physical activities and not intaking the correct nutrition.
  • This can also be caused due to illnesses likewise gastroenteritis, diarrhea, and also by vomiting.
  • When you sweat a lot after a fever or while exercising and by manual work in hot weather.
  • Too much consumption of alcohol can also lead to dehydration. Although alcohol is a form of liquid, on the other hand, it also has a diuretic.
  • When you have diabetes at this moment again, you are at risk of getting dehydrated because you have a high glucose level in your bloodstream. In this case, your kidney will also try to get rid of the glucose by creating more urine, leading to dehydration.

Who are at risk at the time of the dehydration?

These are the specific age or groups of people affected the most.
  • Due to their low body weight, newborns and infants are susceptible to even modest fluid loss.
  • Older folks may not realize they are dehydrated and need to drink fluids and Recover ORS Drink to get cured.
  • When exercising for extended periods, people with long-term health conditions like diabetes or alcoholism might lose a lot of body fluid through sweat.

How to cure dehydration?

Here are some of the tips that can be followed, and this will also bring out the best and most effective results at the time of dehydration :
  • Try to consume Oral Rehydration Solution that can cure your problem.
  • You should stop drinking alcohol if you are taking it more frequently then.
  • You can also add flavors to your regular water in order to enhance the taste of it.
  • You can start intaking coconut water or other juices, which will help restore essential hydration.

Summing it up :

We hope you liked the article and now have an overview of what can be done to treat dehydration. Above mentioned were some ways to cure dehydration, which can lead to other problems and diseases.

Article Source :
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